Registration numbers

The following registration numbers of the University of Greifswald (not University Medicine) must be used when applying for external funded projects:

VAT-ID: DE 137 584 813 Document*
Registration number: 084/144/02314 Document*
PIC: 999 858 056
EuropeAid: DE-2007-DQQ-2711285372
EuroStat: 2021/027/DE
DUNS: 330057191
SAM (Unique Entity ID): KNEAYTC3BY95
(N)CAGE: DA339

* You will need to log-in to download the file.

Further bank, tax and billing information of the University of Greifswald [de]

Head of Department

Karsten Bunge
Room 1.07
Rubenowstraße 2
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1265