Forms from the External Funding Department

Notification of an external funded project

Notification of an external funded project [de]

(VPN access is required for access from outside the university network; the button „PDF-FORMULAR ERZEUGEN“ only appears after the mandatory fields Projektleiter, Benutzername, E-Mail and Projekt have been filled in)

Drittmittelanzeige mit Kugelschreiber

Further Notifications

(VPN access is required for access from outside the university network)

Notification of an external funded conference [de]

Notification of an external funded further education course [de]

* You will need to log-in to download the file. Please use Adobe Acrobat to fill out the form only.

* You will need to log-in to download this file.

⚠ Please use Adobe Acrobat to fill out the forms only.

Head of Department

Karsten Bunge
Room 1.07
Rubenowstraße 2
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1265