Anti-Discrimination at the University of Greifswald

"The University of Greifswald is committed to guaranteeing the equal and respectful collaboration of its members and affiliates at all levels of academic and non-academic life." (Preface to the University of Greifswald's Anti-Discrimination Guidelines).

The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), which came into force in 2006, aims to prevent and eliminate discrimination and disadvantages. The University of Greifswald defines the protected characteristics broadly. The university's own policy goes beyond the AGG and protects its members within its sphere of influence in particular against discrimination on the grounds of ethnic origin, gender and gender identity, religion or world view, physical or mental disability and chronic illness, age, sexual orientation, nationality, marital status, social status or external appearance.

Dr. Michael Schöner

Das Bild zeigt Dr. Michael Schöner, den Leiter der Graduiertenakademie, vor dem Hintergrund eines Gemäldes in der Aula der Universität. Er trägt ein weißes Hemd und graues Sakko.

Anti-Discrimination Officer

Ruth Terodde

Central Gender Equality Officer

Persons responsible

The contact for all grounds of discrimination listed in the AGG, with the exception of sexual discrimination is the Antidiscrimination Officer, Dr. Michael Schöner.

The contact for sexual discrimination (discrimination on the basis of gender or gender identity) is the Central Gender Equality Officer, Ruth Terodde.

Dr. Michael Schöner

Das Bild zeigt Dr. Michael Schöner, den Leiter der Graduiertenakademie, vor dem Hintergrund eines Gemäldes in der Aula der Universität. Er trägt ein weißes Hemd und graues Sakko.

Anti-Discrimination Officer

Contact point for the protection against discrimination
Domstraße 11, Entrance 4, Room 3.24
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1618


Ruth Terodde

Central Gender Equality Officer

Domstraße 11, Entrance 4
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1108



Complaints handling at the University of Grefiswald

We form part of the complaints handling and conflict management measures at the University of Greifswald. Click on the link for more information on our conflict counselling and mediation services, the Staff Council and the contact details of various university representatives.