Teaching Prize

University of Greifswald Awards Prizes for Teaching Excellence

Good teaching practice today faces many challenges: teaching should inspire, motivate, be close to practice and research orientated, take the different education backgrounds of the students into account, but at the same time force students to take responsibility (Stifterverband: Charta Guter Lehre. www.stifterverband.de).

The University of Greifswald annually awards three prizes for teaching excellence based on recommendations put forward by its students. Each of the teaching prizes is worth € 2,000, which is then put towards improving teaching.

Teaching Prizes 2024

Lehrpreis-Preisträgerin Prof. Dr. Carola Schulzke
Lehrpreis-Preisträgerin Prof. Dr. Carola Schulzke, © Gina Heitmann, 2024
Lehrpreis-Preisträgerin Dr. Janine Wirkner
Lehrpreis-Preisträgerin Dr. Janine Wirkner, © Gina Heitmann, 2024
Lehrpreis-Preisträger PD Dr. Klaus Wolfgang Kesselheim
Lehrpreis-Preisträger PD Dr. Klaus Wolfgang Kesselheim, © Gina Heitmann, 2024
This black and white photo shows Dr Tobias Scharnweber on a tour through the forest.
Portrait Dr Tobias Scharnweber

In an online survey held in January and February 2024, students nominated more than 200 individuals for a teaching prize. 56 members of teaching staff received three or more votes. As voted by the jury, Prof. Dr. Carola Schulzke (Institute of Biochemistry) received the teaching prize in the category 'Research-oriented teaching'. Dr. Janine Wirkner (Institute of Psychology) was awarded the teaching prize in the category 'Application-based teaching'. The award in the category 'Motivating students to work independently' was presented to PD Dr. Klaus Wolfgang Kesselheim (Department of German Philology). In addition, a teaching prize 'in memoriam' (with no prize money) was dedicated to Dr. Tobias Scharnweber (Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology), who passed away at the end of 2023.

Teaching Prizes 2023

Dr. Susanne Sievers, Lehrpreisträgerin 2023
Dr. Susanne Sievers, Lehrpreisträgerin 2023, © Patrick Geßner, 2023
Vladimir Arifulin, Lehrpreisträger 2023, © Gina Heitmann, 2023
Vladimir Arifulin, Lehrpreisträger 2023, © Gina Heitmann, 2023
Lehrpreis 2023 für Prof. Dr. Stefan Engeli
Lehrpreis 2023 für Prof. Dr. Stefan Engeli, © Patrick Geßner, 2023

In an online survey held in January and February 2023, students nominated more than 200 individuals for a teaching prize. 51 members of teaching staff received three or more votes. As voted by the jury, Dr. Susanne Sievers (Institute of Microbiology) received the teaching prize in the category 'Research-oriented teaching'. Vladimir Arifulin (Department of Slavonic Studies) was awarded the teaching prize in the category 'Application-based teaching'. The award in the category 'Diversity sensitive teaching' was presented to Prof. Dr. Stefan Engeli (Institute of Pharmacology).

Teaching Prizes 2022

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Uhl © Wally Pruss, 2021
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Uhl © Wally Pruss, 2021
Dr. Andreas Söhnel - photo: ©Jan Hilgendorf
Dr. Andreas Söhnel - photo: ©Jan Hilgendorf
Orla Donnelly ©Jan Hilgendorf
Orla Donnelly ©Jan Hilgendorf
Prof. Dr. Mareike Fischer ©Wally Pruß
Prof. Dr. Mareike Fischer ©Wally Pruß
Prof. Dr. Stefan Harrendorf - photo: ©Kilian Dorner
Prof. Dr. Stefan Harrendorf - photo: ©Kilian Dorner

In the online survey held in June 2022, students nominated more than 200 individuals for a teaching prize. 50 members of teaching staff received three or more votes and were added to the shortlist. As voted by the jury, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Uhl (Zoological Institute and Museum) received the teaching prize in the category ‘Research-Oriented Teaching’. Dr. Andreas Söhnel (Outpatient Clinic for Dental Prosthetics) was awarded the teaching prize in the category ‘Motivating Students to Work Independently’. The teaching prize in the category ‘Excellent Supervision of Students’ was shared by Orla Donnelly (Department of British and North American Studies) and Prof. Dr. Stefan Harrendorf (Chair of Criminology, Criminal Law, Law of Criminal Procedure and Comparative Criminal Law).

In order to honour the special services provided and extra efforts made by the subject advisors, the Rectorate also awarded a special prize for excellent subject advice. This prize was awarded to Prof. Dr. Mareike Fischer, who was particularly supportive to students on the B.Sc. and M.Sc. Biomathematics degree courses.

Teaching Prizes 2021

Prof. Dr. Christfried Böttrich – photo: ©Magnus Schult
Prof. Dr. Christfried Böttrich – photo: ©Magnus Schult
Dr. Ulrike Hanke – photo: ©Lukas Voigt
Dr. Ulrike Hanke – photo: ©Lukas Voigt
Dr. Bärbel Miehe – photo: ©Lukas Voigt
Dr. Bärbel Miehe – photo: ©Lukas Voigt

During an online survey in June 2021, students nominated more than 200 individuals for a teaching prize. As voted by the jury, Prof. Dr. Christfried Böttrich (Faculty of Theology) was awarded the teaching prize in the category ‘Motivating Students to Work Independently’. Dr. Bärbel Miehe (Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology) was awarded a teaching prize in the category "Interactive Design of Digital Education". Dr. Ulrike Hanke (Institute of Pharmacy) was rewarded for her ‘Excellent Supervision of Students’.

Teaching Prizes 2020

Prof. Dr. Joachim Lege
Prof. Dr. Joachim Lege
Dr. Margitta Kuty
Dr. Margitta Kuty
Dr. Jana Kiesendahl
Dr. Jana Kiesendahl
Prof. Dr. Heiko Hüneke
Prof. Dr. Heiko Hüneke
Prof. Dr. Mladen V. Tzvetkov
Prof. Dr. Mladen V. Tzvetkov

In this year’s online survey, held in June, students nominated almost 200 people for a teaching prize. 55 members of teaching staff received three or more votes and were added to the shortlist. As voted by the jury, Prof. Dr. Joachim Lege, Chair of Public Law, Constitutional History, Philosophy of Law and Theory of State, was awarded the teaching prize in the category ‘Motivating Students to Work Independently’. Prof. Dr. Mladen V. Tzvetkov from the Institute of Pharmacology received the teaching prize in the category ‘Reflected Teaching’. The award for ‘Excellent Supervision of Students’ was presented to apl. Prof. Dr. Heiko Hüneke(Institute of Geography and Geology). 

In view of the special challenges faced by teaching during the coronavirus pandemic in summer semester 2020, the Rectorate awarded a special prize for dedication to digital teaching. The award goes to Dr. Margitta Kuty and Dr. Jana Kiesendahl, who made special contributions to digital education at the university. The prize money amounting to 2,000 euros will be shared between the two prizewinners.

Teaching Prizes 2019

Prof. Dr. Cordelia Heß – photo: ©Till Junker
Prof. Dr. Cordelia Heß – photo: ©Till Junker
Prof. Dr. Roland Rosenstock – photo: ©Magnus Schult
Prof. Dr. Roland Rosenstock – photo: ©Magnus Schult
Prof. Martin Wilmking, Ph.D. – photo: ©Magnus Schult
Prof. Martin Wilmking, Ph.D. – photo: ©Magnus Schult

The University of Greifswald’s teaching prizes give students the opportunity to recognise a professor's gripping lecture or to thank their favourite lecturer for their commitment to teaching. The 2019 awards, each worth 2,000 euros, were presented to Prof. Dr Cordelia Heß (Department of History), Prof. Dr Roland Rosenstock (Faculty of Theology) and Prof. Martin Wilmking, Ph.D. (Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology)!

Teaching Prizes 2018

Dr. Martha Kuhnhenn – photo: ©Kilian Dorner
Dr. Martha Kuhnhenn – photo: ©Kilian Dorner
Prof. Dr. Karlhans Endlich – photo: ©Manuela Janke
Prof. Dr. Karlhans Endlich – photo: ©Manuela Janke
Jo Zynda – photo: ©Till Junker
Jo Zynda – photo: ©Till Junker
Dr. Mascha Hansen – photo: ©Magnus Schult
Dr. Mascha Hansen – photo: ©Magnus Schult

Once again, numerous students have nominated their favourite candidates for the 2018 teaching prizes. This resulted in the nomination of 185 different lecturers. This year, as an exception, the jury was allowed to choose four prize winners.

Teaching Prizes 2017

Prof. Herbst - photo ©Kilian Dorner
Prof. Herbst - photo ©Kilian Dorner
Prof. Martin Gorke - photo ©Till Junker
Prof. Martin Gorke - photo ©Till Junker
Dorthe G.A. Hartmann, M.A.  (Norwich) - photo ©Kilian Dorner
Dorthe G.A. Hartmann, M.A. (Norwich) - photo ©Kilian Dorner

During the period from 27 June to 11 July 2017, numerous students once again participated in the nomination of the best lecturers.  Prof. Dr. Michael Herbst excelled in the category "Integrated Teaching" (convincing overall package of lecture, seminar, exercise/tutorial/practical/excursion/etc.) . Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Gorke, Professor of Environmental Ethics won the award in the category ‘Innovative Interdisciplinary Teaching’. Dorthe G.A. Hartmann, Department of Law, was able to convince in the category "Outstanding English-language teaching".

Teaching Prizes 2016

Prof. Martin Wilmking, Ph.D. - photo ©Kilian Dorner
Prof. Martin Wilmking, Ph.D. - photo ©Kilian Dorner
Prof. Dr. Alfons Hamm - photo ©Kilian Dorner
Prof. Dr. Alfons Hamm - photo ©Kilian Dorner
Prof. Dr. Hubertus Buchstein - photo ©Kilian Dorner
Prof. Dr. Hubertus Buchstein - photo ©Kilian Dorner

After extensive discussion at its meeting on 25 July 2018, the jury unanimously selected the three winners, one after the other, from the 202 nominees for teaching excellence from 2016.

Teaching Prizes 2015

Prof. Dr. Mareike Fischer
Prof. Dr. Mareike Fischer
Prof. Dr. Britta Bockholdt
Prof. Dr. Britta Bockholdt
Dr. Daniel Hunold
Dr. Daniel Hunold

575 students decided on their nominees. The winners of the Teaching Prize 2015 were honoured on 12 October 2015. Prof. Dr. Britta Bockholt, Prof. Dr. Mareike Fischer and Dr. Daniel Hunold can be proud!

Teaching Prizes 2014

655 student cast their votes in the online survey. The winners of the Teaching Prize 2014 were honoured on 13 October 2014 as part of the Opening Ceremony.

Teaching Prizes 2013

The winners of the Teaching Prize 2013 were honoured on 14 October 2013 as part of the Opening Ceremony. The jury had a truly difficult time choosing only three winners from 120 well-deserved nominations . Far more than just three lecturers deserved a prize!

The Office of Quality Assurance (IQS)

Walther-Rathenau-Straße 47
17489 Greifswald

Tel.: +49 3834 86–1136 or -2149 or -3379
