
Workshops and Training Courses on Topics Related to all Aspects of Digital Education

Example image for digital education

The event series ‘update_Lehre’ is firmly anchored in the higher education didactics certification programme at the University of Greifswald. In workshops specially tailored to the topic of ‘digital teaching’, teaching staff can further qualify themselves regarding adequate use of digital teaching and learning tools for their teaching.

The event format is a cooperation with the University Didactics Team [de].

If you have any topic requests, please feel free to email them to: digitale-lehreuni-greifswaldde

Current Events

The workshops and training sessions are mainly held in digital formats - English workshops are on demand. Please send us an e-mail digitale-lehreuni-greifswaldde.

Materials and the link to the online courses can be found in the ‘update_Lehre’ Moodle course.

For current events see German page.

Link to Twitter account 'digitale_Lehre'
Link to GrypsTube Channel 'digitale_Lehre'
Link to Instagram profile 'digitale_Lehre'