Guest lecture – Photo: Till Junker
Guest lecture – Photo: Till Junker, © 2017

Erasmus+ Funding for Visiting Academics

The Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching (STA) programme is designed to facilitate short-term guest lectureships at European universities with which a departmental cooperation exists. Have a look at our database [de] to find out about existing cooperations in your subject.

Please note: If you are interested in a temporary teaching position in Vietnam, please contact the International Office for more information.


Spending time teaching at a European host university can strengthen cooperative ties within Europe as well as supplementing the courses and curricula offered at the host institution. Moreover, you can share your expertise with students who are unable or do not want to study abroad through lectures, talks, seminars or by supervising working groups.



  • share your expertise
  • acquire international teaching experience
  • gain insights into new forms of teaching
  • promote exchange between the University of Greifswald and its partner universities
  • develop and deepen cooperative networks


The minimum duration of the stay (excluding travel time) is two days; the maximum duration is two months. Due to budgetary limitations, financial support can be provided for a maximum of ten teaching days.

You will be expected to teach a minimum of eight hours during each week (or partial week) of your stay.

The following groups are eligible for funding:

  • professors and teaching staff employed by the university
  • university teachers (unremunerated)
  • part-time contract teaching staff
  • emeritus professors and retired members of teaching staff
  • teaching and/or research assistants

Application and Procedure


Applications can be submitted digitally via the IO portal for scientists and employees [de] by the following deadlines:

  • November 15 for projects starting from January of the following year
  • May 15 for projects starting from July of the current year

For the application, the following document must be signed by the receiving institution and submitted via the portal:

The following documents are required once funding has been approved:

prior to your stay abroad
during your stay abroad

Please ask your receiving institution to sign the Letter of Confirmation issued by the International Office.

after your return
  • Please submit your signed Letter of Confirmation (original) to the International Office.
  • After your return, you will receive an invitation to take part in the EU Survey by email from If not, please check your spam folder.

Please note: If the International Office has not received your Letter of Confirmation after your stay abroad or if you have not taken part in the survey, the funding will be reclaimed.

Financial Support

The grant amount is composed of a daily rate and a travel expenses allowance.

Daily Rates

Receiving country Unit costs per day
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom 180 EUR
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain 160 EUR
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey 140 EUR

Travel Expenses

The travel expenses are calculated according to the actual distances between the departure and arrival destinations of the visit using a distance calculator that applies to the whole EU.

Distance band Amount (unit costs) Green Travel Amount (unit costs)
10 – 99 km 23 euros -
100 – 499 km 180 euros 210 euros
500 – 1,999 km 275 euros 320 euros
2,000 – 2,999 km 360 euros 410 euros
3,000 – 3,999 km 530 euros 610 euros
4,000 – 7,999 km 820 euros -
8,000 km and above 1.500 euros -

Green Travel

Participants who travel at least 50% of their journey there and back by sustainable means of transport will receive additional individual support for travel costs and travel days of up to 4 days for a return journey, if applicable. In total, a maximum of six additional days of individual support for travel can thus be claimed. In this case, two days for standard travel and four days for Green Travel are used to calculate the daily rates. Please note that participants must justify the need for these additional travel days.

According to the National Agency DAAD, sustainable means of transport are:

  • train, ship/ferry, carpool, bus, bicycle, walking.

Please note: Days that are used for leisure activities (e.g. weekends without teaching or working days) in the receiving country cannot be funded. Only teacing or working days are eligible for funding.

The University of Greifswald reserves the right to reduce the length of funding compared to the length of stay, depending on the amount of available funds. This means that the duration of the visit does not always match the duration of funding!
If the actual costs exceed the maximum grant amount, the additional costs must be financed by the participants! Unused funds do not have to be paid back to the Erasmus office but should be taxed accordingly and reported to the tax office.

International Office
Dr. Sebastian Krumpel
Domstraße 58a, Ground Floor
17489 Greifswald
Tel: +49 3834 420 1115

Testimonial Nadine O´Shea - Foto: Nadine O´Shea

“A stay abroad as a guest lecturer provides you with the opportunity to experience teaching in a different way and to meet local students. You will network with colleagues and get to know a new country, which is not always that easily done. Usually, one has to deal with bureaucratic obstacles. This is not the case with Erasmus+.” (Nadine O´Shea, research assistant at the Chair of International Relationships and Regional Studies, guest-lectureship at the University West in Trollhättan, Sweden)

Check out this this podcast and the blog Greifswald goes International to learn about her and other outgoers’ experiences abroad.