Finding an Internship

Visit our German pages to find a selection of internship postings in Europe and all over the world, which are available at partner universities and/or can be eligible for funding as part of Erasmus+ or programmes provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

There are various possibilities for organising an internship/work placement abroad that depend on your subject discipline:

  • Contact the institution that you would like to work at directly.
  • Do an internship/work placement at one of our partner universities and other partner institutions.
  • Use one of the numerous internship databases provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) [de].

Current Internship Postings [de]

Find available internship positions in Europe and beyond here. If you are interested in any of the internships, please contact the institution directly. If there is a date in a link to an internship posting, this is the date on which we published the information on our website. Please take note of the application deadlines.

“My deep curiosity about foreign culture, my craving for new interpersonal experiences and the desire to improve my English skills and gain practical experience first-hand motivated me to take the chance and study in a foreign country.” (Leona, practical training year, surgical term in South Africa)

Leona and other outgoers talk about their experiences abroad on our blog Greifswald goes International [de] and our podcast [de].