Nature Conservation and Public Relations

Cooperation with the National Park

The scientists of the Biological Station support the public information provided by the National Park on Hiddensee. We give presentations and offer guided tours, for example bird song excursions. These events are announced on and (both in German).

„Heathland days“ – events around the costal dune heathland

Flowering Common Heather (Calluna vulgaris)

Every year, the Biological Station arranges the “heathland days” together with the association “Hiddenseer Dünenheide e.V.” and the National Park Administration.

More information (in German).

Excursions and management measures in the coastal dune heathlands

Removal of shrub encroachment is the most common management action. Students support the aim of nature conservation to maintain the open heathland landscape.

All courses that are arranged at the Biological Station of Hiddensee are offered the opportunity to participate in an excursion to the coastal heathlands combined with a shorter management action. During the excursion, the participants can see typical heathland animal and plant species and get information about origin, development and nature conservation strategies of the heathlands.

Shepherd in the heathlands of Hiddensee island

Our exhibition "Utilization of the heathlands on the island of Hiddensee in the 20th century“ offers detailed information.

4 poster as PDF (in German)