Habitats on the island of Hiddensee
Hiddensee, an island off the coast of the German island of Rügen, is popular with tourists and nature lovers.
Get more information about the island and ongoing events on the island on www.seebad-hiddensee.de (in German)
The island of Hiddensee is situated within the National Park “Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft“. Information about the National Park and about restrictions within the National park: see www.nationalpark-vorpommersche-boddenlandschaft.de (in German). The Biological Station has special permits for excursions within the National Park: Please contact us if you are planning excursions on the island of Hiddensee!
For biologists, Hiddensee is especially attractive because of its high habitat diversity, including habitats that have become rare in the industrialized landscape or affected by anthropogenic impacts such as eutrophication. Among these rare habitats, you can visit coastal meadows along the eastern “Bodden” coast, the coastal dune heath area in the center of the island, the shore vegetation on the sandy beaches in the west of the island, dry grasslands in the Dornbusch, the northern part of the island, the aquatic habitats of the open Baltic Sea west of Hiddensee and the protected coastal lagoons east of the island. All of these habitats are characterized by a number of typical animal and plant species, many of them rare.
Detailed information about breeding and resting birds: see Vogelwarte Hiddensee
and issue 21 of journal Meer und Museum of the German Oceanographic Museum.