The Students' Union (AStA)

Essential for Students

The Students' Union (AStA) is the executive organ of the Student Parliament (StuPa) and thus one of the students’ most important platforms.There is a total of 16 units for the areas covering University politics, administration, social matters, study organisation and culture.

The officers formulate the interests of the students and pass them on to the corresponding target groups. They also give advice on questions regarding living and the financing of studies in Greifswald, as well as organise events such as the Freshers’ Week.

The Students' Union’s (AStA) website offers students information on the University, announces dates for cultural events in the town and above all, help for questions regarding studying and life in Greifswald.

Students' Union (AStA) Website

Student Parliament (StuPa) Website

Students' Union (AStA) on facebook

Students' Union (AstA)

Students' Union (AStA)
Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 28
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 86-1750/51
Fax: +49 3834 86-1752
